The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life: an iconic art symbol

Is an archetype of this magnitude imbedded in our psyche from birth?

I recently came across a posting on Instagram of an image of the Tree of Life, 17th century, British, a work on canvas with silk thread, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The image was posted by Jennifer Coates, an artist I greatly admire.

This symbol/pattern/image has been rendered in all mediums (tapestry, ceramic, painting, story-telling) in all religious and cultural traditions, from Ancient Mesopotamia to current day. There is even a Tree of Life at Disney World.

Interpretations of this symbol include everything from immortality, fertility, the connection of all forms of creation, the garden of Eden, the love of God, to a connection to the underworld.

I recently wrote a grant proposal for a series of landscape paintings to represent my local flora and fauna throughout the four seasons. I proposed 4 large panels that would depict nature from the river bottom to the clouds above. I began to look at art images in history to further think about structure and design of these paintings. This led me down the rabbit hole to the tree of life imagery and symbolism.

I have been wondering if the Tree of Life image and meaning is something that we all share, a vital spiritual and essential connection to the earth and to each other. What are your thoughts?

Linda Foy